IQF-Spiral Freezer

Industrial Refrigeration are pioneers in promoting IQF Spiral Freezer systems to food industries.

Spiral freezer can freeze large quantity products in less space, especially for products which need long holding time, such as meats. Based on your site space, you can use single drum or double drum. Spiral freezer is widely used for all kinds of products. The Structure of single drum spiral freezer is compact and its capacity is 250kg/h-3000kg/h.

The freezer is a continuous in-line-belt freezer designed to minimize product weight loss and assure quality gentle handling during the freezing process. Completely factory assembled, tested, and disassembled into components to be easily shipped to plant for re-assembly. Frame & Belt supports can be constructed with economical Hot Dipped Galv. Steel or fully Stainless Steel version.

Features :

  • Stainless steel product belting.
  • High efficiency aluminum coils or MS Hot dip galvanized coils.
  • High efficiency airfoil fans.
  • Factory assembled modules. No site assembly of components.
  • Aluminum and stainless steel constructed.
  • Easy access to sanitation and maintenance.
  • Safe, trouble-free operation.

Applications :

  • POULTRY INDUSTRY - chicken parts, chicken patties, chicken nuggets, marinated chicken chunk, breaded chicken parts.
  • RED MEAT INDUSTRY - meat patties, meatballs, raw hamburger, breaded fried cuts.
  • BAKERY PRODUCTS - pizza crust, pie, cookie, pasta, bread dough.
  • PREPARED FOODS - packaged food in trays, shrimp in trays, ice cream cups, products requiring a long retention time.
  • SEA FOOD INDUSTRY - cooked shrimp, skin on shrimp, scallops.

Industrial Refrigeration Pvt. Ltd:-

IQF Spiral Freezer systems:-

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